Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bring Your Own Device - (BYOD)

Bring your own device can benefit people in the work place. People are able to access information at any time and have the freedom to complete their work through their own personal device. BYOD promotes flexibility for employees to effectively manage workflow productivity throughout the entire business. This also a great way for college students to be able to complete there course online and complete their assignments to earn their degree. Reading the Horizontal Report article seems to me that institutions were able to reduce the overall spending for technology do to student bring their own device to school. This saves the colleges money to use for other things.

When student are able to bring their own device they are able to improve on their digital literacy skills. Using their own device will help students navigate and learn how to read/write by understanding the information in the digital tools. Students always want to learn using a technology device and this will keep help them complete their research or assignment using the Internet for the purpose of education. This is opportunity for students to not only use their devices for social networking but to enhance their knowledge in school.

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