Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 10 - Cyberbullying and Digital Responsibility

Internet Safety and Cyberbullying
Social Networking has really affected the lives of our youth because of the negative actions they choose to do while being on social networking sites. Social Networking has become the way most adolescents socialize amongst each other. These teenagers are so addicted to the different social networking site that it seems to control them in a negative manner. Majority of all teenagers are on some form of social media through their technology devices which increase the chance of a child being cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is a threat to all people because they can anonymously post negative things about people without getting into trouble. Cyberbullying increases harassments and threats to embarrass a person character. The use of inappropriate pictures are uploaded on social networking sites for many people to view this type of embarrassment, which can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. Adolescents seems to post everything that is going on in their lives on a social networking site because they feel this is the coolest thing to do. We hear of so many cases where students kill themselves do to being bullied on the computer. One benefit of having social networking sites would be to stay in contact with family members and friends all around the world. The internet is very helpful when needed for something very important. People have to be careful about the information they type inside the computer because this information can be used against you. Taking these steps will help decrease cyber bullying for our safety.
Digital Responsibility

The use of technology had definitely increase in our educational world. Although technology is not the savior in our students education but is a tremendous help for our students to stay engaged while learning the curriculum. Technology helps increase the collaboration amongst student in their classroom setting, which this technique can be transformed in their own communities. Digital technology helps promote critical thinking and problem solving techniques, which is helpful for students to become entrepreneurs in the future. Using different technology web tools can help students create, evaluate, analyze, understand and apply the skills needed to enhance the ability of learning new information inside the classrooms. In this article students need to know all the positive things they can do with their technology device. Students need to understand they can do so much more by being creative to enhance the use of their device. Students are so unaware of the resources they have to make their learning experience more exciting because of the technology they have. Today’s adolescents are so use to using their technology devices for negative things and are unaware of all the positive things they can use their digital device for.  We as educators can show them other ways to use their devices to help them with school. These students have so much more technology resources to use for their education then I had and I just feel they don’t use their devices to benefit their selves.

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